About us

The AI Lab is a workplace at VŠKK where we focus on artificial intelligence (AI) and other technological phenomena of our time. In the field of AI, we focus on human interaction with AI, VR, AR and try to go to the limits of human and AI creativity. For these activities, we use our own HW, available software, but most importantly the fresh minds of students from VSCC, PSCC, AMI and Michael High School.

Pillars of our activities

  • Coordinating AI activities across schools and unifying attitudes towards AI
  • Research activities, HW/SW readiness for AI solutions, talent scouting
  • Teaching – supporting teachers and students
  • Commercial applications – collaboration with KK Agency, search for potential opportunities, commercial training

How to reach us

We are usually in room 408 in the VŠKK building, Na Pankráci 54, Prague 4.
To reach us, please make an appointment at

What we can help with

We will try to help you with your questions about AI.
We can provide you with HW/SW support for your projects and teaching.

What we are working on

Drop us a line to get involved in ongoing or upcoming projects or propose your own.

  • AI – using generative AI in marketing – image, text, sound generation
  • AR/VR – testing the impact of AR/VR environments on humans
  • AR – testing the function of advertising media
  • AI – private LLM to work with your own data sources,
    including those you don’t want to trust to the internet
  • AI – training and fine tuning models for generative AI
  • AI – machine vision for animation, marketing
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